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Setia DI Hati



There's no relationship without any fights, but you always can make your relationship worth the fight.

assalamualikum .. hye kalau tk jawab dose
 kalu jawab sayng
hahaha haha (aku memg gelak separuh
 sbb tu kazen ak suke eley)
once ak penah terpikir yg  kapel ni
 seronok ker ?
sebenarnye tak semua
 orang yang bekapel2 ni bahagia.
mane aku tawu?sebb ak mcm tu haha
tu lar .. even pada dasarnyer muke
 hepy jer ayat bunga2 tp aty korang tk taw

ye , memg ak byk mkn aty ..sampai satu
 masa ak rase knpe bnde ni jd kt ak
baru ak sedar yang jiwa kami
 bertentangan ..  langit tk sentiasa cerah
pmulaan kitorg memg myakitkn .
 ak hurt n hurt , and hurt again.. ak sllu
 anta msg pnjg2 tp just simple word yg dy blas...
  aty ak tk pnh puas kalu ak ckp ak syg dy
mcm ak rse ak ni sekse dri ak sdri,, 
tapi this hurt feeling teach me how
 to be strong .. n mngkin ak byk sbr ngn 
krenah dy at last he change
yea..he change a lot. tenx syg..
 ak nmpk yg dy cb hrgai ak.
ak tk pnh rse myesal sbb ni yg
 ak nk .. org kter kekcewaan tu
 mendewasakn kite
dia buat ak jadi lebih matang
sedih mcm mne pon ak syg .. 
its hard for me at the sametime
 i drop of my ego to receive him
i love him 
Just like a shoe, if someone is meant for me, 
they will just fit perfectly,
 no forcing, no struggling & no pain.

sometime when u truely love
 someone u forgive the unforgivable

and sometime when u love
someone u will get tired off them ..
 to many fight
misunderstanding , arguments 
,forgiveness n sorry
and when the time come
 u realize that all the sacrifice
and tiredness make ur relationship 
bcome strongest  

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